
James E. Coffey Post 3


Rental of Facilities Information

For scheduling rentals for The Lounge or halls, see the on-duty Bartender

or call 603-718-8398 or 603-820-0736


Rentals of The Lounge or the halls must be scheduled with the on-duty bartender or Bar Manager. The hall rental rules acknowledgement, hall rental applications and fees must have been completed and submitted before the rental is considered complete.

There are different rental application forms for members of Post 3 and non-members.

The forms can be downloaded here:

Hall Rental Rules Acknowledgment

The Lounge Rental Agreement - Members

The Lounge Rental Agreement - Non-Members

The Dugout Rental Agreement - Members

The Dugout Rental Agreement - Non-Members

Main Hall Rental Agreement - Members

Main Hall Rental Agreement - Non-Members